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Term 3 2015 - President Abraham Lincoln

For the next two terms perseverance and diligence are our combined core values we are focussing on. As a staff we will be trying to develop these in our students as it is one of the most effective values we can develop and not alwayssomething New Zealanders are good at. We would love for you to support us with this at home. You can do this byshowing your children how you do this (it may end up being a great challenge). Children learn a lot from their parents and your example is crucial to them. If they see you persevering at tasks and diligently working through them, especially when they are important, your children are more likely to as well. It's okay for them to know it's hard for you, it's the example you set that matters.

Let me tell you a quick story of a man in history who persevered...

In 1831 this man failed in a business venture he had tried hard at. In 1832 he stood for the American state legislature but was defeated. In 1833 he failed at yet another business venture. In 1835 his heart was shattered when his fiancé died and this helped lead to his own nervous breakdown in 1836. In 1843 he stood for Congress and was defeated but had another go in 1848 only to be defeated again. In 1855 he stood for Senate but lost and in 1856 stood for the candidacy of Vice President and lost that too. In 1859 he tried again for Senate but to no avail. Yet finally in 1860 Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States!

An amazing story of perseverance isn't it? Since his time as president Abraham Lincoln has consistently been voted as one of the three most influential presidents of all time too. I hope this helps inspire you today to persevere at something you believe passionately in, and in growing your walk with God. It's worth it!

Have an awesome few weeks.

God bless

Alistair Paterson


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