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Friends & Founders Day Dinner 2024 followed by AGM

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Please scroll down to view 2024 AGM documents

AGENDA of the AGM of Peria Christian Education Inc to be held at Matamata Christian School on Tuesday 11th June 2024 (Following dinner)

*Welcome. Meeting start

*Devotion / Opening prayer

*Minutes 2023 AGM - (Circulated)

*Matters arising from the Minutes

*No Trustees were appointed during the year

*Election of Proprietor Board members (five positions) (There being less nominations than the 5 positions available, Warren Storey, Werner Du Plessis and Charl Potgieter were duly appointed)

*Financial Report (unaudited)

*Chairperson’s Report

*General Business

*Meeting close

Minutes of the AGM of the Peria Christian Education Inc held at Matamata Christian School on Tuesday 11th May 2023 at 6.30pm

Present – 55 persons in attendance. List not taken

Apologies – Warren Storey. Sarah Thurlow. Louise Lambert. Murrey Lambert.

Meeting opened at 7.10PM by the Chairman who welcomed the attendees. Stephen Ram offered the opening prayer.

Minutes of the 2022 AGM were taken as read. No matters arising. Moved Spence Reichardt seconded PJ Olivier that the minutes be adopted. Motion passed.

Moved Spence Reichardt Seconded  PJ Olivier to ratify the appointment of Sarah Smith (refer 1st December 2022 minutes), Stephen Ram (refer 16th February 2023 minutes) and Christine Anderton (refer 30th March 2023 Minutes) to the Proprietor Board as Trustees under clause 6.5.1 of the Constitution. Motion Passed.

There being less nominations than the four positions available on the Proprietor Board, Spence Reichardt was duly elected. The Board will attempt to fill the three remaining vacant positions by appointment.

The audited 2022 financial performance report was circulated and taken as read. Moved Spence Reichardt, seconded Maria McGee that the 2022 financial performance report be adopted. Motion passed.

The Chair presented his 2022 report. Moved Kobus Englebrecht seconded Eric Hill that the Chairman’s 2022 report be adopted. Motion passed.

There being no general business the meetings was closed at 7.25PM

Annual Report for the year ended December 2023

Welcome to the Peria Christian Education Inc 2024 AGM. As Deputy Chairman of PCE and on behalf of your Proprietor Board, it is my pleasure to bring you this annual report for the year ended December 2023. Once again we are thankful to God for what has been achieved throughout the year. The Proprietor Board Chairman Kobus Englebrecht, who can’t be here tonight, has asked me to pass on his thanks for the hard work and dedication of the Proprietor Board members and numerous others who have given freely of their time, talents and treasures for the betterment of the school.

Property development projects for 2023: As part of the planned maintenance and improvements, the Board was pleased to install a carport to protect the school van from the elements. Rotting barge boards were repaired or replaced and the roofs were water blasted and repainted which really lifted the schools appearance. New school signs were erected at the car park entrance and the school office entrance. Also work was begun on replacing the cross and dove artwork above the library double doors.

School roll cap increase and year level increase: At the end of 2023 we had 97 enrolled students.  We have been blessed to have had an approximately 20% roll growth over the last 2 years.  We started 2024 with 100 students, and are very close to approaching our current roll cap of 120.  Last year, after results from the parent survey, we progressed with gathering information about the possibility of a year level increase to years 9 and 10.  With the board’s approval a few of us took a field trip to gather information from some South Island Christian schools who had been through a similar journey.

 PCE Finances: A copy of the audited PCE financial performance report is available for viewing here. PCE recorded a surplus for 2023 of $75,533, increasing accumulated funds to $882,208.  With cash in the bank of $298,885, financially PCE is well placed to continue developing and improving Matamata Christian School.

Kid on the Rock Foundation; The Kid on the Rock Foundation is a registered charitable Trust that was set up independently of PCE to support families and grow Christian education in and around Matamata through sponsorships, fund raising and promotion. 

In 2023, through sponsorships totaling $4,990.00, 15 children from 6 families were assisted to attend Matamata Christian School.

Looking forward: PCE board plans to continue to work on progressing an application with the year levels increase, however given our rapid roll growth, will also look to progress a roll increase application.  Additional classroom space is likely to be required, and the board is looking further at options here.  

In conclusion, 2023 has been an eventful year, and 2024 looks to be similar.  We are grateful for the growth  in new enrolments, and the blessing of the people that have been brought into our school and community as a result.   Your ongoing support and prayers are much appreciated.

 I move the adoption of this report for the year ended December 2023

Stephen Ram.
Deputy Chairman.


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