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Minute secretary wanted - 
Help needed for Friends & Founders Day prayer breakfast and free dinner - 
Proprietor Board designated seats on the School Board - 
How to nominate a Proprietor Board Trustee and closing deadline

Our School Board is appealing for help with its monthly meetings

We are looking for someone who would be willing to take meeting minutes for us. If this is you we’d love to hear from you. The role description is below:

The role of School Board Minute secretary is voluntary. Some expenses may be reimbursed subject to prior approval by the SB. Responsibilities are listed below.

  • be responsible to the Presiding Member

  • collate incoming correspondence for the next meeting, if any

  • attend and accurately record the minutes of each School Board meeting using the School Board minutes template

  • within three days of each School Board meeting ensure that the completed minutes are uploaded into the relevant meeting folder and advise each member of the School Board.

  • maintain confidentiality regarding all matters and discussions during the School Board meetings.

For more information call Spence Reichardt on 027 283 9534 

Friends & Founders Day

Our annual Friends and Founders Day celebrations are coming up on Tuesday the 11th of June. This is an important day in our calendar as it celebrates God’s faithfulness in the school and celebrates those who have gone before us to make this school what it is in its 36 year history.

We celebrate with two key events in the day. We start with a pastor’s breakfast where church leaders from all our local churches are invited to a special cooked breakfast. We share what is happening in the school and ask them to pray for us before they head off for work. Invitations will be sent soon so please encourage your churches leadership team to come.

 The second key event happens at night and is for our whole school community. We put on a free burger dinner for all our school community before having a quick AGM highlighting what is happening in the school and what we are focusing on, and then have an amazing guest speaker while our children watch a movie and enjoy treats.

 This is always a great night and we are thrilled to have always had nearly every family at this. This year’s speaker is Jonathan Arthur. Jonathan works for N4L the service that provides internet safety and protection for school’s across the country. Jonathan is going to talk about how to keep ourselves and our families safe online. This is an important message for everyone to hear.

 To help us continue to make each Friends and Founders Day a memorable one we are looking for some help please. We would be really keen for anyone who may be able to help us please oversee the day, another one or two to help cook food for the pastor’s breakfast, and a few who would be  willing to help us bar-be-que some burger patties and help prepare burgers at night.

If you are in a position to help us on Tuesday the 11th of June please let Sarah in the school office know.

Proprietor Board support for the Matamata Christian School Board

A very important function of the PCE Proprietor Board (PB) is to support the School Board (SB) in it's role as the School's Governing body. The Proprietor Board is allowed three seats on the School Board, beside the 4 parent representatives, the staff representative and the Principal. The PB has set aside three designated seats on the PB to fill the three SB seats. These designated seats on the Proprietor Board are known as Proprietor Board School Board Member seats, or PBSB member seats.

Trustees holding these designated seats will have full PB Trustee rights and responsibilities, and in addition they will have full SB Member rights and responsibilities also. To enable the Trustees to carry out their SB responsibilities, PBSB members have permanent permission to be absent from any or all PB meetings with the exception of the AGM and subject to quorum requirements, however they will be subject School Board meeting rules, including not being absent from more than 2 consecutive SB meetings without prior permission of the School Board.

PBSB Members will also keep themselves up to date with PB business, make themselves available to participate in employment related matters such as employment interviews, provide to the PB a written report within 5 days following a SB meeting and provide a written report to the SB within 5 days following a PB meeting.

One of the three PBSB member seats is filled, and the PB is looking for two more Trustees to fill the remaining two. If you know someone who may be interested in one of these two seats, or you are interested yourself, Please call Spence Reichardt on the number below or talk with our Principal Alistair or Sarah in the school office.

For more information please phone Spence Reichardt on 027 283 9534

PCE Board Nominations

Recently eligible families will have  received by email nomination forms for the upcoming election for the Peria Christian Education (PCE) Board. PCE are the Board who own the school and are responsible for the buildings, property developments and for protecting the school’s special Christian character. This year there are five board positions available, including the two designated seats, and nominations for these positions are being sought. Nominations close at 3PM on Tuesday the 21st of May.

Click/tap here for more information about Governance and the school boards.

Click/tap here to nominate, co-nominate or accept nomination.


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