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What's happening with the new name for the Matamata Christian School Association?


At a Special Meeting of the members of the Matamata Christian School Association Inc held on Thursday 29th November 2018, it was decided to change the name of Matamata Christian School  Association to PERIA CHRISTIAN EDUCATION INCORPORATED.

Why was the name changed

With the new vision for growth and expansion in the education sector, especially into the early childhood and years 9 and 10 areas, it was decided that the organisation had outgrown the name Matamata Christian School Association Incorporated.

The story behind the name:

The name “Peria” gives us something to both aspire to and be inspired by, and at the same time honours the work that God did 150 years ago among Māori people, especially children, both educationally and spiritually. (See below)

Peria was the name given by Wiremu Tamihana to a Pa that he established 150 years ago just South of Matamata, naming it after the town of Berea mentioned in the Bible. The people of Berea, or Bereans, were notable for receiving God’s word with great eagerness and examining the Scriptures daily to check that what they were hearing was true. For this reason the writer of Acts called them “noble minded”. Among other things, Peria was famous for a school and boarding house for up to 100 boys and girls where reading, writing and arithmetic was taught to a high standard and where Christian principles and Bible studies were embraced and put into practice.

Wiremu Tamihana lived by the principles of Te Whakapono, Te Ture, Te Aroha: be steadfast in faith in God, uphold the rule of law, show love and compassion to all.

For a brief biography of Wiremu Tamihana click here  For a full biography and more about God working through Tamihana Click here.


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