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Are you interested in serving on one of our Governing Boards?

Governance; Who, What, Why?

Governance is about a group of people who are responsible for the strategic thinking and overall administration of an organisation, rather than the operational day to day running of it, always striving towards achieving the purpose that the organisation was set up for.

It is about -

  • Focusing on the Purpose of the organisaiton

  • Big picture thinking

  • Improving performance

  • Managing risk

Governance is carried out by a Governing body, usually called a Board. The Board consists of a group of people, generally known as Directors or Trustees,  who work together and take overall responsibility for the organisation.

Although organisations and boards differ greatly in size and structure, all boards and board members share some fundamental roles and responsibilities.

The Board must always focus on the organisations purpose in all of it's thinking. Purpose and objectives are found in it's governing documents. These documents can include a Constitution, Trust Deed, Memorandum and Articles of Association, and Rules. Charities are legally required to comply with their governing documents.

You can find out more about Governance Here and Here


While experience and/or qualifications may be helpful, they are not a prerequisite for serving. However board members will be enthusiastic to fully equip themselves for the role expected of them by participating in pre-service and in-service training, and be able and willing to contribute time and effort to good governance for the benefit of the organisation.

Anyone may stand for election to the MCS School Board, however they should be willing to serve and have a heart for Christian education. In addition, Board members should be people of faith with a love for the Lord and a real vision for Christian education.

They should be willing to attest to the Peria Christian Education Inc statement of faith and special character definition policy (viewable here) and be committed to the Core Values, Core Purpose and Vision of Peria Christian Education Inc.


Board members shall conduct themselves and their meetings according to the following Biblical Principles.

  • Divine ownership of the natural world – The earth is the Lords, and all it contains, and those who dwell in it. Psalms 24:1
  • People as stewards, not owners – And he called ten of his slaves, and gave them ten minas, and said to them, “do business with this until I return”. Luke 19:3
  • Christian Service – Whatever you do, do you work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men. Knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. Colossians 3:23-24
  • Personal Response - Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry. For the anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God James 1:19 - 20

………...developing a healthy and vibrant community of members who are well informed and involved, and a dedicated leadership who clearly understand their role. (Community Governance Framework - Resolve Consulting)

Think you might be interested in a career as a professional Director/Trustee?

We would love to support you with that.

Find out more about building a Board career.

Educational Group Governance Structure

There are three Boards within the Peria Christian Education Inc educational group. (see diagram)

1 - Peria Christian Education Incorporated, (PCE) is a registered incorporated society and registered charity. It is managed by a Board of Trustees known as the Proprietor Board (PB), and is responsible for the Matamata Christian Schools physical property and the guardianship of the schools Special Christian Character. The Board consists of between eight and ten Trustees who are elected from among the Association members.

The Proprietor Board is allowed three seats on the School Board, The PB has set aside three designated seats on the PB to fill the three SB seats. These designated seats on the Proprietor Board are known as Proprietor Board School Board Member seats, or PBSB member seats.

Trustees holding these designated seats have full PB Trustee rights and responsibilities, and in addition they have full SB Member rights and responsibilities also. To enable the Trustees to carry out their SB responsibilities, PBSB members have permanent permission to be absent from any or all PB meetings with the exception of the AGM and subject to quorum requirements, however they will be subject School Board meeting rules, including not being absent from more than 2 consecutive SB meetings without prior permission of the School Board.

PBSB Members will also keep themselves up to date with PB business, make themselves available to participate in employment related matters such as employment interviews, provide to the PB a written report within 5 days following a SB meeting and provide a written report to the SB within 5 days following a PB meeting.

2 - Matamata Christian School itself is governed by a Board known as the School Board (SB). This Board consists of four parent representatives who are elected tri-annually, up to three PCE representatives, a teacher representative and the school principal. It is responsible for the appointment of the principal and staff. The principal manages the day to day operations of the school under the oversight of the School Board.

3 - The Kid on the Rock Foundation is a registered trust and registered charity which is set up to support the educational group to achieve it's goals. It is governed by a Board of Trustees. The PCE Proprietor Board appoints one Trustee and under certain circumstances may appoint others. The remaining Trustees are normally appointed by the Foundation Board of Trustees itself.

Expression of interest form

Please express your interest on the form below and we will contact you.

Note that you may serve on one or more Boards. For more information please call 027 283 9534

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Thank you for expressing your interest. We will make contact with you shortly.


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