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Peria Christian Education Inc

Peria Christian Education Inc is the legal owner of Matamata Christian School (MCS), and through an Integration Agreement with the Crown is directly responsible for the upkeep of MCS property and guardianship of it's Special Christian Character.

Matamata Christian School

Originally established in 1988 as a private school named Rainbow Park Christian School, the school started with 11 pupils and a teacher meeting in a basement of a home on Tower Road in Matamata. 

Four years later the need for a permanent location led to the present site at 91a Smith Street – purchased for $50.000. December 1991 saw the two classrooms that had been constructed on the previous site shifted on site, and a new beginning with a new name, Matamata Christian School. 

In 1997 with a static roll of 30 to 35, in order to allow Christian Schooling at a more affordable cost, the possibility of State integration was pursued, and the process was completed in 1998. 

Through this integration process, Peria Christian Education Inc (The Association), as the owners and proprietors of the school property, became the integration partners with the Crown and the guardians of the schools Special Christian character. 

The functions of the Association are carried out by the Peria Christian Education Inc Proprietor Board, a board of Trustees who are elected from among the members of the Association. 

State integration requires the school to teach the national curriculum. This function is the responsibility of the schools BOT (Board of Trustees) which is elected tri-annually from among the school community.

Alongside this, the school is also contractually required to evidence it's special Christian character throughout all that it does. A requirement with which it is happy to oblige.

At Peria Christian Education Inc We Believe

That as the divinely inspired, inerrant word of God, the Bible is the absolute rule of all faith and conduct, and therefore also for the education of our Children.

That a child's education is the responsibility of their parents. This is a God–given privilege with which the school will happily partner and assist.

That God should be honoured in all that we do. This includes prayer, study of the Bible and teaching all subjects in the light of God's revelation in Jesus Christ.

That all things have been created and are sustained through the hand, power and care of God.

That it is only through the blessings of the Holy Spirit that our children may come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord, and this is our prayer for each of them.

Friend of the Peria Christian Education Inc (PCE) Benefits and Responsibilities

As a Friend of Peria Christian Education you will:

  • Receive occasionally, email newsletters and information about the schools growth and development.

  • Be asked to regularly pray for the Matamata Christian School and it's pupils and staff.

  • Be ambassadors for the school to the wider community.

(Anyone can become a Friend. Just fill in the registration form below)

See further down for eligibility criteria to become a Member of the Peria Christian Education Inc, the associated benefits and responsibilities, and the downloadable application form.

Friend of Peria Christian Education Inc Registration Form

As a Friend of PCE, which includes both Matamata Christian School and Tower Road Christian Preschool, you will receive newsletter updates about their activities and needs.

See further below to become a member of PCE

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Message Sent. Thank you for your application to become a friend of PCE.

PCE Association Membership Benefits and Responsibilities

As a member of the Peria Christian Education Inc you will:

  • Qualify for first priority for enrollment of your children at Matamata Christian School

  • Represent those who originally responded to the call from God to establish Matamata Christian School and Tower Road Christian Preschool.

  • Help to ensure the enduring preservation of the school and preschool core values and purpose.

  • Hold the PCE Association Proprietor Board accountable for good governance of the school and preschool.

  • Help to ensure the ongoing life and vitality of the PCE Association by attracting other like minded people to become members.

  • Be the “guardian“ of the school Special Christian character.

Membership is open to persons over 18 years of age who:

  •  Are regular attendees of a mainline Christian Church

  • Indicate clearly their acceptance of Christ personally as their Saviour and Lord

  • Are leading lives compatible with Christian principles

  • Accept the principles of the Constitution of the Peria Christian Education Inc Association (Downloadable adjacent)

Membership is free and you can resign at any time.

To apply for membership of the Peria Christian Education Inc Association please download and complete the application form below.


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