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Covid response to the RED traffic light setting

Over the past two years Covid has created disruption to how schools ‘normally’ run and Matamata Christian School has been no exception.  We would like to take the time to inform our school community of our preparedness for moving forward as Covid impacts us again, in 2022.  

As a school, we are focusing on four areas: safety, wellbeing, community connection and student progress. We recognise that our students want to learn and remain connected with their teachers and peers. As a staff we are committed to making Matamata Christian School a safe environment that focuses on learning and community. This document provides an overview of our school’s Covid response process. At all times, our aim is to keep lines of communication open and to keep students, staff, parents, whānau and our wider community informed.

At the RED traffic light setting, school is open for instruction for all students. School management regularly reviews all protocols in place for effectiveness to ensure they are fit for purpose and are best practice throughout each term. These plans may change as new information from the Ministries of Health and Education become available.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we focus on the year ahead.

Yours in Christ

Alistair Paterson


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